


 第20届国际第四纪学术大会于2019年7月25至8月1日在爱尔兰都柏林举行,吸引了来自70余个国家的2400多名学者与会。本次会议主题为“Life on the Edge”,大会紧密围绕“陆相过程、沉积及历史”、“地层学与年代学”、“古气候学”、“人类及生物圈”、“海岸及海洋过程”等五个方面,就6个大会报告、1171个分会报告及1466个展板展开研讨。浙江大学地理科学系杨小平教授、张德国研究员、Lydia Mackenzie副教授、李鸿威讲师、付晓讲师、方伊曼博士后、博士生周烨,浙江师范大学地理科学系朱丽东教授、叶玮教授、贾佳副教授、陈渠博士及宁波大学地理与空间信息技术系戴璐副教授等12名浙江学者应邀参加本次会议。

为六个大会报告特邀学者之一,浙江省地理学会副理事长杨小平教授作了题为“Deserts: Evidence and data archives for understanding Quaternary environmental changes and Earth System science”的大会报告。他围绕干旱区的分布、沙漠地区环境演变、干旱区人类活动及文明兴衰、沙漠和地球系统科学等4个方面,进行了系统的分析和讲解,受到了与会者的高度评价。

在分会场中,朱丽东教授、叶玮教授、张德国研究员、Lydia Mackenzie副教授、贾佳副教授、戴璐副教授、李鸿威讲师、付晓讲师、方伊曼博士后、陈渠博士及博士生周烨分别做了题为“Grain-size and sedimentary records of the XYC Core in the downstream of the Caoe River, northern Zhejiang province, China”、“Early and mid-Holocene climate oscilations indicated by a multi-proxy analysis of a sediment core in Huangjiahu Plain, southeast China”、“Wind induced changes in barchan-to-parabolic dune morphology and their sedimentological reorganization ”、“200 years of anthropogenic and climate-driven environmental change in northeastern china”、“The millennial-scale climatic variability in central Asia during last glacial”、“Last Glacial Maximum, early Holocene and modern environments of the northern South China Sea region: Insight from SEM analysis of Oak (Quercus) pollen”、“Late Quaternary Paleohydrologic Changes in the East Gobi Desert”、“Identifying late Quaternary pluvial episodes beyond MIS 5 in south-eastern Australian highlands using single-grain quartz and feldspar luminescence dating”、“New methods of estimating Relative Pollen Productivity, a key parameter for reconstruction of past land cover from pollen records”、“Grain size and magnetic properties of Loess in the southeastern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau and their paleoclimate implication”、“Grain size and magnetic properties of Loess in the southeastern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau and their paleoclimate implication”、“Grain size of sediments and its potential correlations to the level of desertification along the Keriya River in the Taklamakan Desert, northwestern China”等分别进行了分会场报告和学术交流。其中,博士生周烨获评本届国际第四纪联合会(INQUA)的特别资助“青年学者”奖。


       国际第四纪学术大会是国际第四纪联合会(The International Union for Quaternary ResearchINQUA)组织的最重要的学术活动,每四年举行一次。国际第四纪联合会(INQUA)成立于1928年,是地球科学领域的重要国际学术组织之一。