


   2016年,被联合国批准为“全球共识年”(International Year  of Global Understanding,IYGU)。IYGU是根据德国弗里德里希·席勒大学(耶拿)本诺.沃伦(Benno  Werlen)教授领导的国际地理联合会(IGU)的一项倡议,由国际科学理事会(ICSU)、国际社会科学理事会(ISSC)、国际哲学与人文科学理事会(ICPHS)联合发起,并经过五年的精心准备申请成功的。
  •   日常生活影响全球气候变化。

  •   日常决策依赖生活方式。

  •   全球的视角有助于减少地区冲突风险。

  •   全球问题需要可持续的解决思路。

  •   持续变化应该从普通人开始。

  •   日常生活和科学密切相关。

  •   全球共识应基于社会和自然科学的联合研究。

  •   研究应该指导日常生活的。

  全球共识呼吁全球与地方形成共识,科学和日常生活有机融合。国际共识年计划关注衣食住行和交往等最普通的日常生活。我们为什么做出我们应该做的抉择? 无论贫富,社会应该做出更多的有助于全球可持续发展的抉择。自然和社会科学家应该联合起来研究解决方案。
  •   气候变化是一个联系全球和个人影响的例子。

  •   全球变化可以是气候变化、社会文化变迁及经济变革。

  •   社会需要全球共识来促进可持续性。


    更多关于国际共识年的信息,请请访问 http://www.global-understanding.de)。




 Welcome to 2016, which has been declared the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU).  For more information visit: http://www.global-understanding.de  This is an IGU initiative led by Professor Benno Werlen at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena.

 What are the key elements of IYGU?

 Linking the global and the local

  •  Everyday actions matter for global climate change.

  •  Everyday decisions depend on lifestyle.

  •  A global view reduces the risk of regional conflicts.

 Our world faces social, cultural, and economic change, as well as a  changing climate. Human actions play a key role in creating such  worldwide challenges. However, human actions also provide solutions. If  individuals know what their day-to-day routines mean for the planet,  they can take appropriate action. Global understanding helps overcome  the knowledge-action gap and supports policy decisions that promote  sustainability.

 People’s Practices

  •  Global problems require sustainable solutions.

  •  Sustainable change should emerge from the bottom.

 Global challenges require swift, yet considered, goal setting and  political action. We cannot afford to wait for the ideal decision-making  body or a global jurisdiction – it may never happen. Instead, change  should come from the bottom. Individuals make choices, vote, and drive  policies at the local, regional, and national levels. Widespread global  understanding embeds awareness of the global consequences of individual  choices. IYGU wants sustainable change that starts from the bottom.

 Science and everyday life

  •  Everyday life and science belong together.

  •  Global understanding is based on joint social and natural science research.

  •  Research should address the logic of everyday life.

 Global understanding calls for the reconciliation of the global and the  local, of science and everyday lives. The IYGU focuses on essential  daily activities such as eating, drinking, housing, working, travelling,  and communicating. Why do we make the choices that we do? Which  societies – rich and poor – make more globally sustainable choices?  Natural and social scientists will jointly provide answers.

 Sustainability and understanding

  •  Climate change is an example of the links between global and local effects.

  •  Global change may be climatic, social, cultural and economic.

  •  Societies need global understanding to manage change sustainably.

 Global sustainability cannot come about without local sustainability.  Actions and thoughts that may seem disconnected in space and time are  often fundamentally linked. True global understanding empowers people to  make such connections. Many people know about the need for  sustainability, but few make the corresponding decisions. The IYGU’s  main goal is to promote global understanding so that actions and  decisions yield sustainable outcomes, every day, all over the world.